Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a lady!

Read her scriptures at 8:40am.

They are now treating Patty for a new ailment.  These guys are relentless.  They asked me on Thursday if I would allow a spinal tap.  In her condition, it could be hazardous.  The hope was to identify if there was inflammation or infection in the spinal fluid that was causing her unresponsiveness.  I signed.  Last night they got the results.  (Meningitis)  They started her on a new treatment immediately.  I already discussed with Patty that nobody get threw this life without some challenges, but she is not required to have them all.

So, here is what John and I were told last night, the dialysis pulled a liter of the bad stuff out of Patty yesterday.  (Good)  They were able to reduce the dosage of medication they've been giving her to keep her blood pressure and heartbeat level.  (Better)  They have identified and are now treating the biggest concern, the unresponsiveness.  (We now know the enemy)

This morning they said they have slowed down the rate the dialysis is removing fluid.  They are pleased with the progress.  They are going to do a CT Scan and an EEG of Patty's brain later today.

Finally, get this     Oxygen Saturation 40%     PEEP   14

I know like me you wish you could do more but you're doing plenty.  The prayers and the wishes are a strength to all of us.  I am sorry I am not able to respond to all the emails and messages that have been left.  But, I read them all to her after our morning prayer each day.  So she is hearing from you.  When she awakes, I am going to read them again.

We love your.  Please keep praying.  "Thy will be done" and "Please let this be a good day" have been the focus of my prayers.



  1. Great news on the oxygen saturation and the dialysis! Praying for a continued good day and more good news as the doctors get to the bottom of this. Love and prayers to your family!

  2. Wow! that is great news! So happy to hear! Praying and thinking of you all day. Hang in there! Love you all!

  3. Great news. Miracles do happen! We will keep all of you in our prayers. Patty always was tough, it runs in your family. I love the saying, "Be Still, and Know That I Am God" What a blessing to know that He is in charge!
    Love, Eja and Neil

  4. Sadie and Ella want to send you one thousand paper cranes, but I said that wouldn't be possible, so they are sending one thousand hugs instead. We hope you catch them.

  5. We keep praying that all will go well, but we do include "Thy will be done." I wish we could do somethings to help, Steve. We miss seeing you and Pat. Out love goes out to you both.

  6. May the good Lord comfort you and the boys at this difficult time in your lives. We are sure she is jubilant with her reunion with Allyson and know that she is happy. We continue to pray for your family. All of us in the 3rd ward will miss her and we still miss your family with us.
    Greg and Karen
