Thursday, January 20, 2011

Patty has gone home

I am posting this Thursday night.
Pretty crazy day.  Nothing went as planned.  When I arrived at the hospital this morning, it was like they were having a party in Patty's room.  Nurses and techs busily buzzing around her.  Her blood pressure had tanked again and her heart rate had spiked.  I asked if she was bleeding again, they said they didn't think so. The ventilator was set way high compared to where it had been.  They let me read her scriptures and asked me to come back after the shift change to talk to the doctor.  I did.  He related that they had detected 2 more pneumonia bacterias.  They knew the types because they are common to people who have been on a ventilator for so long.  They had also detected bleeding in her gastro intestines.  They would give her 2 more units of blood.  He told me there was no way they could administer the cytoxan it would conflict with the pneumonia treatment.  He said virtually anything they would treat would conflict with other things they were trying to address.  The doctors wanted to start the pneumonia treatment and meet again at noon after they had performed multiple tests.  They would meet with me at 1:00pm and let me know what they had decided.  He said he was very pessimistic.

I picked up Sherry at noon.  I talked with Matthew about what I thought was going to happen.  He and Sherry had a good cry.  We went to the hospital and met with the doctors.  They said they were sorry, there was nothing else they could do for Patty.  They said it would be best to let her go comfortably.  I gave them permission to turn off the dialysis and remove the ventilator tube.  Sherry and I then went in and talked to her.  We left for a short time, called our family and went back in when she had passed.  It helped to see that she really was not here anymore.

When we came home Matthew was waiting in the driveway.  We told him what had transpired.  He told us he knew she was gone.  I asked him how.  He said while we were gone he had started to take a drink out of the faucet in the kitchen sink (something he has done many times) and as he was drinking he heard her say clearly "Use a cup."  (Something she has done many times.)

We will use this blog a couple more times to let you know of the funeral and grave dedication arrangements.

There is no way I can communicate to you how grateful we have been for your prayers and concern.  Your prayers and ours have been answered.  Thank you so much for your love.

We love you.


  1. Oh Steve, we are so sorry for your loss. May the Lord be with you and may His love sustain you at this difficult time.

  2. My love and prayers are with you. Patty has gone home just like you said and she is past all she has been through all these many days, Thank God. She is watching over you all with Allison right by her side and they are both as proud of you as you are of them. Take care. I know you wiil.

  3. Dear Brother Aldrich,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Though I haven't lived in your ward for almost a year I will always remember the way you and Patty touched Grayson's and my life. We will hold the visits we had with you both dear. Our Heavenly Father is holding on to your dear girls until you meet again. All my prayers and love, Jamie Crandal

  4. I am just so sad. In my last conversation with Patty she put her arm around me and told me what a scare I had given her and how good it was to see me. I kept thinking of the day I would do the same. I'm so sorry. What an incredible woman. May you and your family be encircled in the comforting arms of our Heavenly Father's love. -Shar Nelson

  5. Steve I am so sorry for your loss. You, Patty, and your boys have always been such a strength to me as well as great friends. You are more my brother than just a friend. I know that Patty has always been such a spiritual strength for you, but that strength goes far beyond you and your family, it has been an inspiration for everyone. When I find the trials are tough my heart is filled with the strength and love I received from Patty and you many years ago. Our love and prayers are always with you.
    Gary and Dayle

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. We all are so blessed that Pat has touched our lives. She is so kind hearted, such a spiritual pillar, and such a hoot on top of all that. You and your family are still in our prayers as you go through this difficult time. May you feel the loving arms of our Savior around you, bearing you up.


  7. We are so sorry for your loss and hope you can find the peace that you need at this time. Even though it it still not easy, at least we have the knowledge of the gospel to know that you will get to be with your Patty again.... and hopefully that can carry you through this hard time.
    Love, Williams family

  8. Steve,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Mathew and the rest of the family. We love you all.
    Tyler and Miriam Bastian

  9. Steve,

    We are so sorry to hear...we've been reading your blog faithfully and yesterday got away from me and I just read this post. I know that Patty and Allison are enjoying some much long over due mother-daughter time and are both watching over you and your family. Know we love you and are here if you need us.
    The Allen Family.

  10. So sorry to hear of your loss. We hope you feel the comfort you need at this time. Please know that our prayers will continue to be with you and your family. -The Blackmun family
