Sunday, January 16, 2011

This girl is full of surprises

Read her scriptures at 10:10am.

Patty had the CT Scan of her brain and an EEG yesterday.  We received the results last night.  The CT Scan was normal.  The EEG was unchanged from the previous one that showed diminished response.  This is a result of the Meningitis.  Into this mix has been added that she is now allergic to the Heparin.  Because of this her antibodies are attacking her platelets.  They have changed her blood thinner now from Heparin.  The are also giving her transfusions of platelets and red blood cells.  When I asked how long until we might see results from the medication the are giving Patty to cure the Meningitis, the doctor said it was a delicate balancing act and they have to lessen the dosages to give her as good a chance as possible, so it would probably be two weeks.  So now we know the enemy and we have an idea how long this particular battle may take.

There is noticeably less swelling in Patty today.  They are continuing, through the dialysis to remove the bad fluid.  They are giving her a day of rest.  They have no tests scheduled other than a few blood draws to check her progress.

Her oxygen saturation continues to fluctuate but today currently she is at  Saturation 60%  PEEP 12.

The prayers are helping, please keep them up.

We love you all.



  1. You are ever in our thoughts and prayers. I know Patty has angels with her but you know that, too. Much love and support to all of you. God be with you all, as I know he is.

  2. Sounds like a good day! Saw this quote on LDS Spiritual Thought for the day.
    "We do not know the future, but our Father in Heaven does, and HE will lead and guide us if we let Him. When we are in tune with the Spirit, we will see many small miracles happen in our lives. I have found that having the ability to see and recognize these small miracles is based upon my spiritual worthiness, my willingness to be obedient, and my desire to not allow myself to become complacent and caught up in worldly and personal pursuits." Thank you for being such great examples of this statement, for being worthy to see the small mirales, and for sharing your spirit and insite with others. Our prayers are with you. Love you!

  3. That PEEP is great news. I remember watching a ventilator and hanging on every little change. Sometimes you just have to step away from all the numbers. The fluid count, the sats, the heart rate, PEEP, O2, it all kind of gets to you and you find yourself dreaming about it in those rare hours of sleep. We pray for you and your family all day. We love you, Christensens
